Etly Klarborg


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Children are the gift of life, no gift can compare to becoming parents. The waiting time creeps by, but then one day it is over, and the little wonder comes into the world. You look at the little newborn baby with tears of joy in your eyes - it is an indescribable moment. My inspiration for these lovely little wish children came one evening when I was going to a maternity visit. I knew that the new parents had gotten enough baby clothes to dress a whole set of triplets, and everyone knows that the little hungry babies grow pretty fast and outgrow the clothes in no time. Suddenly the idea popped into my head for the perfect maternity gift that you have for the rest of your life.

A little baby girl and boy, where you can write the child's name, date of birth, length and weight. When you look at the little baby figure, you will remember the lovely day when the wish child was born. I myself have 3 lovely wish children, what more could you wish for.

The gift for the newborn child. In the box there is a note on which data about the child can be written and which can be put in a picture frame.

Height: 4cm.
Length: 7cm.

Sku: 55200

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